Business Case Studies,Corporate Governance & Business Ethics Case Study, Flour Corp's Business Ethics Practices: Creating Six Sigma Standards in Staying Corruption-Free

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Fluor Corp.'s Business Ethics Practices: Creating Six-Sigma Standards in Staying Corruption Free


Code : GOV0044

Year :

Industry : Manufacturing

Region : US

Teaching Note: Available

Structured Assignment :Not Available

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Fluor Corporation: Corruption Floored? Fluor Corp.’s ethical business practices and fight against corruption gained momentum when Boeckmann, stood upright on his values to fight corruption in the business. When Boeckmann joined Fluor Corp. in 1974, he was posted in South Africa where he witnessed his supervisor getting arrested for selling company materials for a personal profit. Over the years in the company, though he worked with all his might to make Fluor Corp. corruption-free, he has not succeeded to his liking. After becoming the chairman and CEO of the company in 2002, he led the company in the fight against corruption. Since 2003, Fluor Corp...

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